Saturday, March 14, 2020

About Doctor Faustus Essays

About Doctor Faustus Essays About Doctor Faustus Essay About Doctor Faustus Essay ultimately causing the transgressors ruin, all of these feature are shown in Faustus as the play goes on. Faustus curiosity with his power with black magic has transgressed into an obsession. In this scene Faustus reaction to black magic is Oh this feeds my soul! Marlowe has used irony here as Faustus has no longer in possession with his soul due to his contract with the devil. Faustus is continuously showing hamartia in this scene by not repenting as he reassures himself that My heart is hardened, I cannot repent Faustus loss of divinity and despair is causing his downfall in the terms of a tragedy. In this scene Faustus is being persuaded by a performance of the seven deadly sins, which portrays aspect showing the satanic. Faustus overreaches in the scene as he indulges in the performance and says, That sight will be as pleasing unto me as was Adam on the first day of his creation. Marlowe uses ironic inversion to portray Faustus excitement to this performance. It is also ironic as Adam receives something of substance whereas Faustus is just receiving pleasures of the five senses. Faustus asks Tell me who made the world, a question which he know is off limits but yet is attempting to push the boundaries. This is again showing an overreaching characteristic as Faustus is trying to gain access to forbidden knowledge. Jean Calvin believed certain souls preordained by God to salvation some souls condemned to damnation as their lives are predestined. This would mean that Faustus is right to be overreaching and indulging in all he is receiving now as he had been pre destined to be damned. Could it be argued that this characteristic has been put in him by God? David Punter says that one way of looking at the gothic is that it deals with transgression Faustus transgresses to the side of the devil in this scene where he vows never to look to heaven name God or to pray to him to Lucifer. This reaction to Lucifer entering shows how intimidating and overpowering the character is. In some performances the scene has been directed to have Faustus to be seated on a throne next to Lucifer, this interpretation shows Faustus to have fully transgressed to the side of the satanic. Transgression is a key aspect of the Gothic. As the play ends with Faustus dying and been drag down to hell it contrast to the ending with morality plays where the character is resolve at the end. The gothic is all about breaking the boundaries, and Marlowe has done this with this play, as it is not conventional play and it deals with issues and themes of the devil and divinity which were very much controversial themes to explore for a play to be shown the general public. His play is used to explore and transgress the public to talk about these subjects, there for if the play would had to be put in a category I would agree that it would be placed in the Gothic genre.